Welcome to ScottartAK.com
From Montana originally, we moved to Alaska in 1990 and raised our 4 kids here. In 1996 we bought property on Willow Creek and built a small log cabin. In 2012 we bought a log building in Willow and opened up Willow Creek Studio, our Art Gallery. In 2020, I retired from the corporate gig and moved to Willow full time. Today our little gallery hosts about 70 Alaskan artists and crafts people. I continue to chainsaw carve, paint, offer classes and workshops, and enjoy creating stuff, while Joan gardens, and manages the Gallery. We also operate a digital 3d modeling business for CNC folks on Etsy under Scottartcnc on Etsy. Oh yeah… and mix in 10 grandkids to the busy life. Hope you can stop by and say hello. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and on our Scott Thompson Youtube channel where we post a few classes on model building and painting.
G1, or greenhouse number 1, the tomato factory
Scott at one of our
puppy painting workshops
Joan with a King on Willow Creek
back when we had Kings..
G2 greenhouse 2, the hobbit greenhouse.